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 Delivering Excellence on the Open Road

Efficiently Manage Your Shipments with Our Reliable Logistics Services

Full Truckload (FTL) Services

Our Full Truckload services cater to businesses with large shipments, ensuring swift and efficient transportation

Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) Service

Our Less-Than-Truckload services provide cost-effective solutions for clients with smaller freight requirements.

Port-to-Door Transit Services

Our Port-to-Door Transit Services provide a seamless, end-to-end solution for your shipping needs. Starting with efficient Port Pickup

Refrigerated Transport Services

Our Refrigerated Transport Services ensure the safe and secure transportation of temperature-sensitive goods.

  • Our client portal provides you with a centralized platform to conveniently manage all aspects of your port pickups. You can track shipment status, receive real-time updates, schedule pickups, and access important documentation all in one place.

  • Absolutely! Our client portal features live GPS tracking, allowing you to precisely track the location of your shipments and stay informed about their progress at any given time.

  • With our client portal, managing invoices and payments for your trucking services becomes hassle-free. You can access your invoices online, review payment details, track outstanding amounts, and conveniently make payments, all within the portal's dedicated accounting section.

  • Along with our standard port pickup services, we offer a range of value-added services such as expedited deliveries, and customized handling solutions. Our goal is to accommodate your unique requirements and provide comprehensive transportation solutions.


From tracking your shipments to understanding our additional service offerings, we aim to address your queries and provide clarity. Explore the following frequently asked questions to learn more about how Express Trucking can optimize your port pickup operations.

Container Yard

Our Portal

Our client portal revolutionizes the way you manage your port pickups. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, you can easily track shipments, receive real-time updates, schedule pickups, and access important documentation. Experience enhanced efficiency and transparency with our advanced portal at Express Trucking.


Keep track of your vessel's estimated time of arrival (ETA) effortlessly.


Receive immediate alerts for any holds, customs, or freight-related matters.

Search Port Info

Conveniently check port availability and last free day (LFD) information.


Gain insight into detailed container pickup and delivery dates.

Urgent Shipment Delivered in Record Time

Amidst holiday chaos, I needed urgent shipment delivery. Thankfully, I found an exceptional  express shipping, they swiftly navigated complexities, coordinating to expedite the process. Despite challenges, they delivered in 24 hours, showcasing dedication and problem-solving skills. Highly recommended for reliable and efficient shipping solutions.

Shalom V.

abriv & co

Exceeding Expectations in Under 2 Hours

in a display of remarkable efficiency and determination, they successfully delivered an urgent shipment in under 2 hours. Through meticulous planning, swift execution, and resourcefulness, they surpassed all expectations. This achievement truly showcases the power of express shipping's quick thinking and expertise in meeting urgent demands within the shipping industry.

B. kelin

Switzer Imports

Rectifying Doc Mishap with Extra Mile Effort

When my shipment required placement in a specific dock, which was overlooked during preparation, express shipping swiftly sprang into action. Going above and beyond, they promptly sent the driver back to relocate the container, rectifying the oversight. Their unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction exemplifies exceptional dedication within the shipping industry.

Frankie B.

Franklin Polo Company

Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed

I'm delighted with the express shipping's service! They fulfilled my specific time request, ensuring prompt delivery. Their advanced tracking technology kept me informed and confident throughout. This experience showcased their commitment to punctuality and customer satisfaction. I highly recommend them for reliable and efficient delivery.

Mark Weingarten

jojo dairy

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